
Oenoferm® C2 Technical Data Sheet
Oenoferm® C2 Specification
Oenoferm® Yeasts Safety Data Sheet

Oenoferm® C2

Special dry selected yeast for distilling mashes and nutrient-poor substrates

Oenoferm® C2 is a highly versatile yeast, ideal for fruit, grape and starch-based substrates. This strain assures fermentation even in tough conditions. High alcohol tolerance and moderate nutrient requirements characterize its properties.

At a glance:

Alcohol tolerance 16,0 Vol.-%
Fermentation temperature 14 – 38 °C
Influence on MLF Neutral
Nitrogen requirement Moderate
Range of use Clean fermentation of cider base, fruit mash, grape must, cereal mash, wort
Aroma profile Low formation of aroma components
Special features
  • Quick fermentation onset
  • Good adaptation to media with high gravity
  • Additional nutrient supply achieves a higher alcohol yield
Dosage 20 – 60 g/100 L
Packaging unit 0,5 kg
10 kg


Oenoferm® C2 Technical Data Sheet
Oenoferm® C2 Specification
Oenoferm® Yeasts Safety Data Sheet