
StabiMash Technical Data Sheet
StabiMash Specification
StabiMash Safety Data Sheet


Acid preparation to acidify distilling mashes

The addition of StabiMash protects the mash against bacterial infections. This avoids reduced yields and loss of quality in the distillate.

At a glance:

Product Balanced combination of citric and lactic acid
Range of use Distilling mashes
Goal Protects the mash against bacterial infections
Special features
  • Use fully replaces hazardous concentrated sulphuric acid
  • Suppression of undesirable microorganisms, such as acetic, lactic and butyric acid bacteria
  • Assists clean fermentation
  • Optimises development of the fruit’s own flavours and bouquets
Dosage 1 ‐ 3 L/hL mash
Packaging unit 1 kg
10 kg
1,200 kg


StabiMash Technical Data Sheet
StabiMash Specification
StabiMash Safety Data Sheet