Possibilities of wine stabilisation
Is my wine stable? We ask ourselves this question every single year. Crystal stability is of paramount importance for this. Today we would like to introduce you to three wine stabilisation options. New mannoprotein MannoPure® offers the option of natural wine stabilisation in white, rosé and red wines. VinoStab® and MetaGum® provide two other tried-and-tested treatment agents for successful wine stabilisation.

Mannoproteins are natural components of the yeast cell wall which are released into the wine by the active yeast during alcoholic fermentation. As a result of autolysis of dead yeast cells, sedimentation causes further mannoproteins to be released. MannoPure® is a liquid mannoprotein for quick wine stabilisation of slightly unstable wines – also without the need for lengthy storage on the lees. In addition to the wine stabilising effect, mannoproteins have a very positive effect on the body of the treated wines, incurporating the alcohol present better in terms of sensory effect. The grape only absorbs a little potassium from the soil in dry years especially. If cation concentrations are low, wines often lack body and also low acidity wines can taste sharp.
VinoStab® is a specially selected, premium purity carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) for long-term prevention of tartar crystal precipitation in wine. VinoStab® prevents the tartrate crystals’ submicroscopic nuclei from growing. The long-term protection against tartar breakdown and a simple addition as a liquid product are material benefits of VinoStab® in practice.
MetaGum® is a combination of highly esterified metatartaric acid and clear, soluble gum Arabic. Both product components cause good crystal stabilisation in wines. The natural breakdown of metatartaric acid is slowed by the homogeneous compound of MetaGum®’s components and the stabilising effect extended compared to a pure metatartaric acid.
Possibilities of wine stabilisation
Is my wine stable? We ask ourselves this question every single year. Crystal stability is of paramount importance for this. Today we would like to introduce you to three wine stabilisation options. New mannoprotein MannoPure® offers the option of natural wine stabilisation in white, rosé and red wines. VinoStab® and MetaGum® provide two other tried-and-tested treatment agents for successful wine stabilisation.

Mannoproteins are natural components of the yeast cell wall which are released into the wine by the active yeast during alcoholic fermentation. As a result of autolysis of dead yeast cells, sedimentation causes further mannoproteins to be released. MannoPure® is a liquid mannoprotein for quick wine stabilisation of slightly unstable wines – also without the need for lengthy storage on the lees. In addition to the wine stabilising effect, mannoproteins have a very positive effect on the body of the treated wines, incurporating the alcohol present better in terms of sensory effect. The grape only absorbs a little potassium from the soil in dry years especially. If cation concentrations are low, wines often lack body and also low acidity wines can taste sharp.
VinoStab® is a specially selected, premium purity carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) for long-term prevention of tartar crystal precipitation in wine. VinoStab® prevents the tartrate crystals’ submicroscopic nuclei from growing. The long-term protection against tartar breakdown and a simple addition as a liquid product are material benefits of VinoStab® in practice.
MetaGum® is a combination of highly esterified metatartaric acid and clear, soluble gum Arabic. Both product components cause good crystal stabilisation in wines. The natural breakdown of metatartaric acid is slowed by the homogeneous compound of MetaGum®’s components and the stabilising effect extended compared to a pure metatartaric acid.