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VarioFluxx PreCoat-Filtration

Erbslöh’s kieselguhr-free pre-coat filtration product has often featured in presentations and reports. Many customers have already switched to this type of filtration, or are conducting tests. This short newsletter takes another look at the key facts surrounding VarioFluxx PreCoat filtration, including shipping, supply and CO2 footprint.

Due to the special circumstances worldwide, shipments by sea from Asia or the US to Europe have become problematic. The costs for containers have risen out of all proportion and spaces on ships are few and far between. In addition to this problem, consumers are increasingly focussing on sustainability. Kieselguhr-free filtration offers one big advantage – the raw materials used – perlite and cellulose – come from Germany and Europe!

The shorter shipping distances therefore reduce the associated CO2 footprint. At the same time, dependence on global trade and availability of overseas containers is also reduced.

A brief description of kieseguhr-free filtration using perlite and cellulose:
To meet the high expectations of beer filtration, two filtration aid mixed products have been developed for use specifically in first and second pre-coating. The first pre-coat VarioFluxx PreCoat 1 forms a well-structured and stable filter sheet, the second pre-coat, VarioFluxx PreCoat 2 forms a fine layer of filtrate to reduce turbidity. Ongoing dosage uses special perlites.

Example 1:

  • Frame filter with 172 m² filter area
  • Output: 250–300 hl/h; lifetime: 6,153 hL
  • Turbidity (various types, all high gravity): 1.2 EBC (90 °); 0.3 EBC (25 °)
  • Filtration time: 23 ¾ hours
  • Pressure difference (end): 6.1 bar
  • Increase in pressure in the first 18 h: 0.1 bar/h
  • Average filter lifetime with kieselguhr: 5,000 hL

Example 2:

  • 24.8 m² centrifugal discharge filter (CDF)
  • Output: 100 hl/h; lifetime: 616 hL
  • Turbidity (Pils): 0.53 EBC (90 °) and 0.27 EBC (25 °)
  • Filtration time: 6.5 hours
  • Pressure difference (end): 4.2 bar
  • Filtration was just enough for a CDL, but was never achieved with the KG filtration


  • KG filtration output damped from 12:30 (80 hl/h)
  • KG-free filtration output: continuous 100 hl/h

Summary of benefits of kieselguhr-free variants of VarioFluxx PreCoat:

  • Turbidity comparable with kieselguhr filtration
  • Greater filter lifetimes possible (up to 30%)
  • Improved safety at work (no cristobalite)
  • No waste requiring special treatment (easy disposal via agriculture all year round)
  • No investment costs (filtration using existing systems: frame filter, candle filter or centrifugal discharge filter)
  • Familiar working method
  • Reduce air/sea/land miles (CO2 footprint)
  • Goods come from Europe and Germany

VarioFluxx PreCoat-Filtration

Erbslöh’s kieselguhr-free pre-coat filtration product has often featured in presentations and reports. Many customers have already switched to this type of filtration, or are conducting tests. This short newsletter takes another look at the key facts surrounding VarioFluxx PreCoat filtration, including shipping, supply and CO2 footprint.

Due to the special circumstances worldwide, shipments by sea from Asia or the US to Europe have become problematic. The costs for containers have risen out of all proportion and spaces on ships are few and far between. In addition to this problem, consumers are increasingly focussing on sustainability. Kieselguhr-free filtration offers one big advantage – the raw materials used – perlite and cellulose – come from Germany and Europe!

The shorter shipping distances therefore reduce the associated CO2 footprint. At the same time, dependence on global trade and availability of overseas containers is also reduced.

A brief description of kieseguhr-free filtration using perlite and cellulose:
To meet the high expectations of beer filtration, two filtration aid mixed products have been developed for use specifically in first and second pre-coating. The first pre-coat VarioFluxx PreCoat 1 forms a well-structured and stable filter sheet, the second pre-coat, VarioFluxx PreCoat 2 forms a fine layer of filtrate to reduce turbidity. Ongoing dosage uses special perlites.

Example 1:

  • Frame filter with 172 m² filter area
  • Output: 250–300 hl/h; lifetime: 6,153 hL
  • Turbidity (various types, all high gravity): 1.2 EBC (90 °); 0.3 EBC (25 °)
  • Filtration time: 23 ¾ hours
  • Pressure difference (end): 6.1 bar
  • Increase in pressure in the first 18 h: 0.1 bar/h
  • Average filter lifetime with kieselguhr: 5,000 hL

Example 2:

  • 24.8 m² centrifugal discharge filter (CDF)
  • Output: 100 hl/h; lifetime: 616 hL
  • Turbidity (Pils): 0.53 EBC (90 °) and 0.27 EBC (25 °)
  • Filtration time: 6.5 hours
  • Pressure difference (end): 4.2 bar
  • Filtration was just enough for a CDL, but was never achieved with the KG filtration


  • KG filtration output damped from 12:30 (80 hl/h)
  • KG-free filtration output: continuous 100 hl/h

Summary of benefits of kieselguhr-free variants of VarioFluxx PreCoat:

  • Turbidity comparable with kieselguhr filtration
  • Greater filter lifetimes possible (up to 30%)
  • Improved safety at work (no cristobalite)
  • No waste requiring special treatment (easy disposal via agriculture all year round)
  • No investment costs (filtration using existing systems: frame filter, candle filter or centrifugal discharge filter)
  • Familiar working method
  • Reduce air/sea/land miles (CO2 footprint)
  • Goods come from Europe and Germany

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